Offenbach Samurai with “Joker” to first win of the season

Offenbach Samurai with “Joker” to first win of the season
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Stand: 05.09.2024, 16:35

Von: Jörg Moll


Happy ending in the last fight of the season? Markus Seifert (left) hopes for a good crowd in the Sportfabrik. © A2

The Judo Bundesliga team Samurai Offenbach will face TV Erlangen on Saturday, September 7th at 5 p.m. and could provide a conciliatory end to the season. Lena Djeriou’s dream of the European Championship title is over for now.

Offenbach – On Saturday, a Bundesliga season that could hardly have been more complicated ends for the Judo Club Samurai Offenbach. In view of injuries and some unfortunate referee decisions, the flagship of martial arts in Offenbach is in sixth and second to last place in the South group with one point.

With a win against the bottom-placed TV Erlangen, who have no points, the Samurai judoka can ensure a conciliatory end to the season. They can also push BC Karlsruhe out of fifth place. “We want to finish the league well and will field the biggest team we’ve had this season,” says Markus Horn, managing director and team manager of JC Samurai, “with one or two jokers.” Another motivational aid is the appearance at the ESO Sportfabrik in Bürgel: “The hall will be full.”

Because relegation is out of the question, the Offenbach team can start planning for the new season, which begins in March 2025. “No athlete will leave us, the boys are all up for it,” says Horn happily.

And when guaranteed points like Fabian Kühn, who missed the entire season with a serious knee injury, return, those in charge are not worried about the future. Especially considering that young fighters born out of necessity gained Bundesliga experience in this round. They want to show that again on Saturday. At home, in front of the usual positive and euphoric crowd.

European Championship round of 16 is the end of the line for Lena Djeriou

Lena Djeriou from JC Samurai Offenbach’s dream of a medal at the U21 European Championships ended in the round of 16. In Tallinn, Estonia, the 19-year-old lost to the 2023 U18 World Champion Khadizha Gadashova (Azerbaijan). “It was a very close fight, a real shame, but also a tough draw,” said Sarmurai chairman Francesco Liotta, who accompanied Djeriou. His advice to his protégé: “Tick it off and concentrate on the U21 World Championships.” The event will take place from October 2 to 5 in Dushanbe (Tajikistan).

By Jörg Moll


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