Highly motivated for the first win of the season

Highly motivated for the first win of the season
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Stand: 08.09.2024, 16:48

Von: Jörg Moll


The start of a furious end to the Bundesliga: Felix Herbst (right) successfully keeps Kai Brandes in check in the heavyweight division. © Hartenfelser

The Bundesliga judo team, Samurai Offenbach, celebrates a 10:4 win against Erlangen with 300 fans. They are now in fifth place in the southern group.

Offenbach – The hoped-for first win of the season was achieved, and a pretty furious one at that – and in the end we also jumped to fifth place in the southern group of the Bundesliga. “That was the longed-for positive end to the season,” said Francesco Liotta, chairman of the Judo Club Samurai Offenbach, after the 10:4 win against TV Erlangen.

More than 300 spectators in the Bürgeler Sportfabrik saw a highly motivated host team that got off to a furious start. “I was particularly happy for Felix Herbst,” said Liotta.

Felix Herbst rewards himself

The 27-year-old had suffered an unfortunate loss in the over 100 kilogram class the week before, but now he rewarded himself with a final success and won early against Kai Brandes. “It’s great that he controls his opponent so well,” praised Liotta, who then experienced a cauldron in the Sportfabrik that sent his team into a real frenzy. After 17-year-old Adrian David Keller, David Gleim, Hratschik Latschinian, the usual strong Athanasios Mylonelis and Mikheil Japaridze also won their fights in strong fashion, the JC Samurai was already leading 6-0 shortly before the end of the first round.

Liotta quickly accepted that the second period was a little more bearable for the “strong Erlangen team” after a few changes. And he was happy with the many euphoric fans about further successes by Tibo Volleman, Latschinian, Markus Seifert and Japaridze.

After the pleasing conclusion of a season that was tricky in many ways, Liotta quickly looked ahead. “The team is doing great, the fighters all feel comfortable with us.” He is also positive that Fabian Kühn, a long-injured point guarantor, should be fit again in the new season starting in March 2025 and that the young talent is also pushing up. Liotta is therefore anything but afraid of Offenbach’s next adventure “in the strongest judo league in the world”: “Our goal is clear: we want to be in the top four.”

Samurai Offenbach – Erlangen 10:4

Class over 100 kilograms: Felix Herbst – Kai Brandes 10:0, up to 66 kilograms: Adrian David Keller – Tristan Kuhlmann 10:0, up to 81 kilograms: David Gleim – Maxim Koserog 10:0, up to 60 kilograms: Hratschik Latschinian – Kilian Löffler 7:0, up to 90 kilograms: Athanasios Mylonelis – Felix Schwob 10:0, up to 100 kilograms: Mikheil Japaridze – Jonathan Bischoff 10:0, up to 73 kilograms: Michael Wehner – Yannick Himmelspach 0:10, over 100 kilograms: Felix Herbst – Jonathan Bischoff 0:7, up to 66 kilograms: Tibo Volleman – Tristan Kuhlmann 10:0, up to 81 kilograms: Daniel Gleim – Tim Himmelspach 0:10, up to 60 kilograms: Hratschik Latschinian – Max Werner 10:0, up to 90 kilograms: Markus Seifert – Maxim Koserog 10:0, up to 100 kilograms: Mikheil Japaridze – Felix Schwob 10:0, up to 73 kg: Markus Trippel – Vadim Schenk 0:10


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