“Unstable rain” episode: Three departments on orange alert this Sunday

“Unstable rain” episode: Three departments on orange alert this Sunday

The active rain and storm front in the Rhone Valley is shifting northwards and losing intensity.

Météo France is placing three departments on orange alert this Sunday: Var and Alpes-Maritimes due to the risk of rain, flooding and violent storms.

The Channel is placed on orange alert for the sole risk of rain and flooding.

A rainy deterioration is underway in the Breton department, requiring special monitoring due to the high rainfall intensities and the expected accumulations of precipitation, explains the meteorological agency.

This “unstable rain” episode is accompanied by heavy downpours, with accumulations of up to 20 to 30 mm in the space of one to two hours. These intense and long-lasting rains are expected to continue until the morning.

Over the entire episode, the expected rainfall totals are in the order of 40 to 50 mm, with peaks of up to 60 mm locally, forecasters indicate.

Faced with this unstable rainfall episode, it is recommended to take certain precautions:

  • Avoid non-essential travel: Roads may be flooded and driving conditions difficult.
  • Protect your property: Make sure your homes and property are protected against flooding.
  • Stay informed: Follow weather reports and instructions from local authorities.

For the departments of Var and Alpes-Maritimes, residents are invited to consult VigiMétéo France for specific information concerning weather conditions in these regions.

They are encouraged to remain vigilant and follow the recommendations of the authorities to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones.


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