Why there is no (really) best astrological sign
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Why there is no (really) best astrological sign

Looking for the best zodiac sign on dating apps or to recruit for your company? Know that it doesn’t exist. Here’s why.

If you listen to Leos, they’ll be adamant that their sign is obviously the best since it’s the king of the savannah. Except that it’s not enough to have a cool animal as your designated constellation, or even to be the best cook of the zodiac, or the best lover of the zodiac. Sorry to disappoint your ego, Sagittarius, but just as there is no good or bad situation, there is no astrological sign that is better than another. Well, not really.

Read also >> Myths, legends and astrology: what are the origins of the zodiac?

Why there is no hierarchy in astrology

Proud to be a Sagittarius? That’s all we wish you. But don’t forget that the zodiac is not a podium: it’s a cycle. The story begins in the spring in Aries and ends with Pisces to better start again. If the knights gathered around a round table and not a rectangular one, it is precisely so that there is no one at the end of the table. In astrology, each sign has a metaphorical role. Fertilize like Taurus in the spring, order like Virgo during the harvest and even get rid of the superfluous in Scorpio when the leaves fall. Astrology is a puzzle: an edge does not count more than a corner, it is the final image that counts.

Read also: “Here’s why you don’t recognize yourself in your astrological sign”

Astrology: a…

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