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Formula 1 | Pirelli F1 highlights ‘positive track debut’ for its 2026 tyres

A new day of Pirelli testing, carried out in collaboration with the Aston Martin F1 team on the Barcelona circuit for the 2026 tires took place yesterday and was rich in kilometers.

Wednesday’s programme saw the continued development of prototypes of the tyres that will be used from the 2026 season, which will still be fitted to 18-inch rims, but with tyres of slightly reduced width and diameter compared to those currently used.

Following on from Tuesday, Brazilian Felipe Drugovich, the English team’s reserve driver, was back behind the wheel. He covered 722 kilometres, bringing the total testing to 1,392 kilometres.

“It was a positive start, as we gathered a lot of information that will prove useful in continuing the development of this new product,” commented Mario Isola, Pirelli Motorsport Director.

“At this very early stage it is important to understand the correlation between the simulation of loads and their real reproduction on track. For this, the cooperation of the teams is essential and I would therefore like to thank Aston Martin for providing a modified car to enable this test to be carried out.”

“Our engineers will now analyse the data, while continuing to develop the product for the next test session which will take place at the Mugello circuit on 8th and 9th October, in collaboration with the McLaren F1 team.”

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