DayFR Euro

How to reduce your property tax, opposition to the 50 km/h ring road… The economic news in 120 seconds

Digital break. Since the start of the school year, nearly 50,000 students in 199 schools have been deprived of mobile phones with the experiment of the “digital break”. The government plans to generalize this measure in middle schools from January 2025. Smartphones, as well as other connected devices, will be banned on school premises. The aim is to improve the school climate, prevent online violence and encourage concentration in class. Schools will define the exact rules, and sanctions in the event of non-compliance will include punishments or confiscation of devices.

If you find your property tax too high, you can request a cap so that it does not exceed 50% of your annual income, under certain conditions. The property in question must be your main residence and your 2023 income must not exceed certain ceilings, depending on the composition of your household. You can apply to the tax authorities via a form or on the website before December 31. You will still have to pay the tax before October 15 or 20, you will be reimbursed afterwards if the application is accepted.

Good news for retirees. In September, 850,000 retirees will see their pension increase, with an average increase of 50 euros per month, which could reach 100 euros for some. To benefit from this, you must be receiving a full pension, have worked at least 30 years, and your pensions (…)

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