work, debts, retirement… the new Prime Minister sets his priorities
DayFR Euro

work, debts, retirement… the new Prime Minister sets his priorities

“I think of medical deserts and I naturally think of health and housing.” This Friday evening, the day after his appointment as Prime Minister, Michel Barnier spoke about his priorities for the country, on the 8pm news on TF1. Interviewed by journalist Anne-Claire Coudray, the new Prime Minister assured that he wanted to “control migratory flows with concrete measures”, revalue work and do his best not to increase France’s debt.

“We will indeed control migratory flows, not with ideology, speeches and phrases, but with concrete measures […] of my own party (LR),” he said. Concerned about the French public debt, which reached a new historic peak in the first quarter of 2024, the former Brexit negotiator commented: “I will try to better control, to better use public money and to rely on public services, because we need effective public services.” “We are tired of writing blank checks on future generations (…) so we are not going to increase this debt,” he concluded on this subject.

As for the pension reform, for which he considered a retirement age of 65 during his campaign for the LR primary in 2021, he said he was ready to open a debate on “improving this law”. “I want to initiate an improvement [de la réforme] while respecting the budgetary framework,” continued Michel Barnier. However, he refused (…)

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