Cold shower for those who hoped to see the legal retirement age go back down to 62. The new tenant of Matignon, Michel Barnier, will surely not defend the repeal of the pension reform. Coming from the ranks of the right, the unsuccessful candidate for the investiture of the Republicans (LR) for the 2022 presidential election had included in his program the postponement of the legal retirement age to 65. That is one year more than the new limit put in place since the pension reform of 2023. A measure that he considered essential to restore balance to a deficit system. He had estimated the gains of such a measure at 30 billion euros when it would have reached its full effect.
The new Prime Minister has, throughout his long political career, always set the balance of the pension system as a priority, arguing that it was necessary to take “courageous” measures to reduce the deficit, even if they are unpopular. “I think that the French are more intelligent than some politicians think. If we explain to them clearly the meaning of the efforts we are asking of them, if we tell them clearly that these efforts will be fair, I think that the French will understand what is in their interest,” said the man who held the post of European Commissioner for Internal Markets and Services, speaking on Radio Classique in March 2016.
A flawless line of conduct which, unsurprisingly, worries the New Front (…)
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Reasons why retirees want to return to work
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