At the Fête de l’Humanité, the shocking debate between the head of Medef and the head of the CGT

At the Fête de l’Humanité, the shocking debate between the head of Medef and the head of the CGT

Patrick Martin, who debated with Sophie Binet, head of the CGT, in the cauldron of the Fête de l’Huma, displayed his differences, particularly on the increase in the minimum wage. But he called on the unions to relaunch negotiations on the employment of seniors and unemployment insurance.

“Charges” or “social contributions”, two worlds and two visions of employment: the number one of the CGT, Sophie Binet, and the president of the Medef, Patrick Martin, debated Saturday in a cordial atmosphere, salaries and pensions, among other things, during the Fête de l’Humanité.

This is his first participation in the Fête de l’Humanité, organized in Plessis-Pâté (Essonne), and for the occasion the “boss of bosses”, Patrick Martin, arrived early in the afternoon to stroll through the aisles and taste the Loire-Atlantique oysters.

At the Social Forum, nearly a thousand supporters, activists and simply curious people were impatiently waiting, in a relatively disciplined atmosphere, for the debate between the two leaders from the union and employer circles.

The head of Medef pays tribute to parity

“I am very attached to joint management,” Patrick Martin immediately reassures, briefly booed upon his arrival. “Both sides are not doing badly in managing supplementary pensions (…) in managing unemployment insurance and social protection groups as much as we are allowed to do.”

“All the systems that the social partners manage are balanced or even in surplus,” he still praises. Satisfied with these first statements, Sophie Binet then suggests to him “that we start these negotiations (on the employment of seniors, in particular, Editor’s note) in a neutral place like the Fête de l’Huma”. “I have a pen, I hope you have the checkbook and everything will go well”, she jokes in front of a conquered and joyful room. The leader of the CGT then invites the Medef to “take back control of collective bargaining” while the threat of a new reform of unemployment insurance still looms.

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Trade unions and employers’ organizations remain marked by the government’s takeover, in the spring, of this thorny issue, as well as that of the employment of seniors. Since then, the unexpected dissolution of the National Assembly has put an end to the pr[…]


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