Our advice to avoid getting scammed


Are you considering taking out a mortgage? Be more vigilant than ever! The Banque de France has in fact noted a resurgence in scams involving fake mortgage offers for several weeks. These increasingly sophisticated scams are based in most cases on usurping the identity of brokers and credit institutions authorized in France. In concrete terms, the scammers pretend to be brokers and try to attract people who are planning to take out a mortgage. They most often use fake online credit comparison sites to retrieve the contact details of their victims.

Then, the thieves approach the victims by phone to offer them a mortgage loan offer at an attractive rate, sometimes real, published by a foreign bank. Once the offer is signed, the scammers ask their victim to pay their personal contribution into a bank account, often linked to a credit institution. As you will have understood, the money ends up in the thief’s pocket and the damages can amount to several tens of thousands of euros.

Fortunately for borrowers, there are several tricks that can easily unmask scammers and foil their trap. “Beware of particularly attractive rates, if you receive a loan offer with a rate of 1%, there is a very good chance that it is a scam”, since the average rate for a 20-year loan is still around 3.60% (…)

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