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The French champion in conflict with a village in the Vosges?

This funny story involving Sebastian Loeb in an extra-sporting setting comes to us from the heights, and more precisely from the village of Grand Valtinin the municipality of Ban-sur-Meurthe-Clefcy, in the massif of Vosges.

Loeb vs Grand Valtin

Certainly a regular at themedia attention in view of its exploits on the tracks and circuits for more than a quarter of a century, Sebastian Loeb finds itself today at the heart of a debate outside the motorsport sphere.
In the small village of Grand Valtin, in the commune of Ban-sur-Meurthe-Clefcy, a controversial has recently emerged in connection with the competition’s resident Extreme E. For what reason? The Alsatian is considering going there build a large chalet of 500 m² on the groundspread over several levels, with a pool.
The disproportionate size of this future residenceas well as the infrastructure it would require, disrupts locals, who are already faced with water supply difficulties. A resident recently told the newspaper: Alsace what “For several summers, water use was restricted,” to the point that the number of people present in summer “is no longer compatible with the water network”.
A first building permit filed in the name of - Sport Auto


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