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Future coach in ? Jürgen Klopp breaks the silence!

Thibault Morlain


After trying different sports, Thibault turned to a career as an amateur footballer. When making a choice between becoming a professional footballer and a journalist, the qualities tipped the scales to one side. Here he is now in the editorial staff of 10 Sport, after a diploma obtained at the International Institute of Communication in .

To buy Paris FC, the Arnault family notably joined forces with Red Bull, a group that Jürgen Klopp joined after leaving his post as Liverpool coach. It didn't take long to have a little imagination and imagine the German on the PFC bench in the future. Will this happen? Klopp was very clear about this.

Last Saturday, for the Paris FC meeting against the show wasn't just on the field. Indeed, there was also a lot of agitation in the Charléty stands and for good reason… The PFC had the honor of receiving a big name in world : Jurgen Klopp. It must be said that the link between the German and the Parisian club is obviously now. Following his departure from Liverpool, Klopp joined the group Red Bullrecently involved in the buyout of the Paris FC alongside the family Arnault.

“I will not be the coach of a Red Bull team”

Global Football Manager at Red Bull, Jürgen Klopp therefore has an eye on the project Paris FC. To the point of soon being involved as a coach? This has been a hypothesis raised by some, but this is not planned according to the German. Indeed, this Tuesday, at a press conference, Klopp said: “ I will not be the coach of a Red Bull team “. This has the merit of being clear…

“They are already working well but there is progress to be made”

Jurgen Klopp also had a few words about the Paris FC. In comments reported by The Teamthe former coach of Liverpool then confided: “ It's a great team that does things well. It's a club that plays in Ligue 2, but they play in the Champions League for women. I hadn't been to a stadium for a while and it felt good. They are already working well but there is progress to be made. This is why we are engaged in this project ».


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