Indochine, Daft Punk, Guetta… Victor Le Masne’s explanations on the major absentees from the ceremonies
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Indochine, Daft Punk, Guetta… Victor Le Masne’s explanations on the major absentees from the ceremonies

Some of the notable absentees at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Paris Olympics did not hesitate to make their discontent known. The rich and embarrassed laughter of the famous DJ David Guetta, falsely hilarious, barely concealed a resentment that was more clearly expressed in the bitterness of his remarks on Fun Radio. The same goes for Nicolas Sirkis. The singer of the group Indochine, regretting with irony that he “is not part of the club”, may swear that he is “not offended”, but everything seems to indicate the opposite.

“There is no problem with David Guetta and Indochine,” assured Victor Le Masne, the musical director of the Olympic ceremonies, on the show C l’hebdo, on France 5. “Indochine is a group that I respect enormously, 40 years of career. David Guetta is one of the greatest DJs in the world. There is no subject on that, I respect them enormously.” The composer of the Olympic anthem tried as best he could to justify the absence of these emblematic artists.

“One more time” by Daft Punk? “As a little tribute”

“As musical director, I tried to follow a musical narrative that itself corresponds to a narrative by Thomas (Jolly, artistic director of the Games ceremonies) and his teams,” he explained. “There wasn’t a place that corresponded to this narrative. I make like a big soundtrack. David Guetta is the same. It’s true that in the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games I decided to put 24 representatives of electronic music, men and women, young and old, there could have been David Guetta, but here I think the idea was to make a big family tableau that was quite plural.”

As for Daft Punk, who have been separated since 2021 but were expected to play during the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, and whose famous song “One more time” was finally heard at the very end of the Paris Games, at the conclusion of the Paralympics, it was planned – or at least hoped – that they would be associated with the festivities.

“I really admire Daft Punk, they are a founding group, one of the greatest French groups. I have always loved them for their radicalism, their determination to go all the way. When they stopped, there was no reason for them to break their rule, which has been very clear from the beginning. We talked but it was very clear, I obviously didn’t insist. On the other hand, and I thank them for that, I asked them for permission to put ‘One more time’ at the very end as a little tribute, it allowed me to complete my loop as musical director.”

- RMC Sport


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