After the “champions parade”, Macron wants to establish a “National Sports Festival” every year on September 14
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After the “champions parade”, Macron wants to establish a “National Sports Festival” every year on September 14

In an interview with Le Parisien, Emmanuel Macron talks about sport, on the eve of the great “champions parade” on the Champs-Elysées to celebrate the Olympic and Paralympic heroes.

The President of the Republic is proposing the establishment of a “National Sports Festival” every September 14, in a model close to that of the Fête de la Musique, which takes place every year in June.

“Restarting the practice of sport on a daily basis”

“We must come together around a popular sports festival, which takes place in the streets, schools, and dedicated sports complexes,” believes the Head of State. “In our cities, our villages, our neighborhoods. I want the French everywhere to engage in their sport through demonstrations, competitions, with young and old. This will allow us to restart, for the start of the school year, the practice of sport on a daily basis.”

This Saturday, September 14, Paris will once again be celebrating: the Olympic and Paralympic athletes, who have been the stuff of dreams all summer, will be in the spotlight with a parade on the Champs-Elysées, a presentation of decorations and then a big concert. A way to close what will have been an enchanted interlude, which Emmanuel Macron hopes to perpetuate with a symbolic date.

- RMC Sport


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