Bike rides are officially over! Except for those who, as individuals, will still take advantage of the beautiful days to go for a bike ride.
A look back at the last regular outings with a drop in the number of participants due to often unpredictable weather with rain or fog. However, a few outings of 65 to 85 km detailed by coach André Lamalle took place for the most daring on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The meeting for the first march will therefore take place this Tuesday, November 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the Morambeau room in Breuil.
The relaxation day on October 5 at the Auberge du Moulin au Breuil went well and gave satisfaction to the 60 participants. The next general assembly of the Cyclos du CSE will take place on Saturday December 14 at the Maison des Associations Jouffroy. Coming in 2025, the traditional galette des Rois on January 4, the dancing meal with garnished sauerkraut on February 23 and the trip to Megève from June 19 to 21. As for the Bicycle Exchange which usually took place at the end of the season, it could be held at the Nef from April 3 to 6.
Following the last general assembly of the CSE which saw President Yassine Karim resign, Serge Cognard temporarily returned to service. “It’s for a good cause,” he declared. But he strongly hopes that someone, preferably from the Cycling section, will take up the torch before the CSE is more than a distant memory.
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