DayFR Euro

the USC school cyclist takes to the road

At the start of the 2024 school year, the Chauvigny Sports Union (USCC) has just opened a cycling school in Chauvigny. It has already registered more than thirty participants aged 4 to 17. “It has been almost forty years since there was a cycling school in Chauvigny and as there is none in Montmorillon, nor in Lussac either, and our young people were going to train in , we decided to open one within our association”explains Bruno Mallet, president of the Chauvinois club.

Louise Martin: “My goal is to become a cycling coach”

Louise Martin was chosen to manage this school. “Louise is a student in 3e year at the sports faculty in Poitiers, in the field of sports training, and it is she who is at the origin of this relaunch of the school”underlines Bruno Mallet.
“At the club, there were no young people and I thought that the school could be an opportunity to attract them and thus boost the association even more, explains the educator in turn. Originally, I played badminton but I got injured and was unable to continue in this discipline. So, I turned to road cycling which I discovered using my father’s bike. And today, my goal is to become a cycling coach”confides the young woman, holder of a Staps license (1) and federal diplomas as a cycling facilitator and educator.

Within the school, training takes place on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., meeting at the parking lot of the municipal technical center, Peuron area.

In small groups and by age groups

“The students are divided into small groups and age groups. Toddlers stay in the parking lot to learn how to use the bike through little games. The medium ones are driven along paths inside the woods near the parking lot, while the larger ones ride on the roadsexplains the host. During their training, they learn how to handle a bicycle, the highway code and how to become independent on the road through two-hour sessions and over increasingly greater distances. And for those who want to compete, we train them and support them until the end. »

In terms of safety, the club car is present on all road trips. “Our apprentice cyclists are systematically accompanied by one or more supervisors depending on the number of participants. And in the event of a problem, accident or other, it is the club’s insurance which covers the loss. termine Louise Martin.

Information and registration:

(1) Sciences and techniques of physical and sporting activities


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