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They cycle between the Italian border and Roya to make their “velolution”

In order to fight for the defense of the climate and social justice, they chose as their weapon: the bicycle. Some courageous citizens have started a journey of several thousand kilometers and are stopping this weekend in Breil-sur-Roya. They are welcomed by the Emmaüs Roya association, founded by Cédric Herrou.

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It was by bike that they decided to try to change consciences. There are around a hundred of them taking turns throughout their journey. On the Côte d’Azur, there are around twenty of them, at most, but their motivation is inversely proportional to their number. Departing from on June 2, their convictions and their values ​​slung over their shoulders. They are the participants in the Altenatiba Tour 2024 which arrives this weekend in Breil-sur-Roya (Alpes-Maritimes).

Alternatiba is a citizen movement, born 10 years ago in the Basque country, advocating collective action as a tool in the fight for climate and social justice. Their conviction: it is citizen mobilization that will enable concrete changes to face the consequences of climate change. They are at the origin of the “Alternative Villages” and the “Alternatiba ”.

With this Vélorution, we already take up a little space, because the bikes need to move freely. And what’s more, we defend a more united world, because everyone has the right to move freely, in our opinion.

Franzeska Bindé, participant on the Alternatiba Tour 2024

at France 3 Côte d’Azur

The idea for this visit to the Roya valley was born from the meeting this summer between the participants of this Alternatiba Tour and Cédric Herrou, the emblematic activist of the Emmaüs Roya association: “It makes sense. We are very close with the Basque country in terms of struggle and activism. We asked after the storm Alex to have mobility, cycle paths, etc.”, “The bicycle is not only for athletes, it is also a mobility tool.”

The companions of Emmaüs Roya use it to collect eggs. The bicycle is a work and travel tool. What we defend with Alternatiba is to create life alternatives, political and economic alternatives.

Cédric Herrou, Emmaüs Roya

at France 3 Côte d’Azur

This weekend in Breil-sur-Roya, round tables, conferences, training and a concert are being organized! There is also a prestigious guest: the journalist Edwy Plenel. We will discuss the climate, but also agriculture, Roya as a territory of change, etc. There will even be training in non-violent civil disobedience.

For this stage on the Riviera, these citizens of the world on two wheels left and, in order to access the Roya valley, passed through the border post. An emblematic place where, if we look closely, the consequences of climate change and the issues of free movement are played out.

Franzeska Bindé, from the Alterniba Tour, explains: “with the climate, migrations will further increase because people will no longer be able to live in certain places. We defend a more just and united world and build it to welcome.”

Cédric Herrou remembers; “in 2016, the border was a bit blocked. We found ourselves with 1,000 people in Ventimiglia (Italy). Migration has not decreased since. Migration existed, exists and will exist.”

The prefect knows it, the Minister of the Interior knows it. Immigration is not controlled by police checks, it is regulated by reception. As we did with the Ukrainians, it went very well (…) There was no problem because we wanted to do well. Regulating immigration is not something naive. We (Emmaüs Roya) are looking for funding with our work with our hands, with agriculture and we adapt to our environment.

Cédric Herrou, Emmaüs Roya

at France 3 Côte d’Azur

The Maralpin activist continues: “we are not idealists, utopians, no. We put our political thinking into practice. What we do is concrete: agriculture, peasantry and ecology.gie.”

The Alternatiba Tour will hit the road again after this weekend of discussions and reflections. Direction .


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