DayFR Euro

“My bike will be my camel”: a nomadic road trip from to the gates of the Moroccan desert

-M’hamid, or 2,300 kilometers on the clock: this is the challenge taken up by Nabil Jouak, a young Perpignan resident. His mount to reach the gates of the Moroccan desert? A mountain bike… without electric assistance.

“M’hamid is at the gates of the desert, in the very south-east of Morocco. It was the starting point for caravans to go to Mali. I discovered this city last year during a festival around cultures nomads, the Taragalte festival Since then, I have been imagining this trip. At the foot of Castillet, this Wednesday September 25, on the eve of his departure, Nabil Jouak deciphers his bike trip. 2,300 kilometers from Perpignan to its Moroccan destination.

“This trip has matured in me. The discovery of the desert, its calm, this desire to recharge my batteries there, to experience only the essential things carries me forward.” By his side, his mountain bike “without electrical assistance” and its GPS, essential traveling companions. “I’m banking on days of 80 to 100 kilometers, largely along the Eurovélo which crosses Spain. But without a defined timetable to let me take my time as I go through the places and meetings.”

Nabil Jouak is not his first challenge. The child of Champ de Mars, footballer and educator at Racing Perpignan Méditerranée, has already taken on challenges with the ATAC de Pollestres association, from a raid in Courchevel to the marathon, including the Spartan. This time, the cultural dimension is essential. But, he doesn’t forget his sporty touch. “Thanks to two partners, Décathlon and Pizza Mermoz, I will also bring football equipment for a village association. Why not offer initiations and workshops on a stand at the festival.”

A deadline is required, the Taragalte begins on November 1st. That’s a little more than five weeks of a nomadic road trip. “Where my bike will be my camel”.

Nabil’s journey can be followed on his Instagram account nabiljouak

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