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2024 World Championships – Niklas Behrens takes the title among the Espoirs

Niklas Behrens crowned among the Espoirs at the 2024 World Championships in Zurich. Photo: Cor Vos

European vice-champion a few days ago, Niklas Behrens was crowned 2024 World Champion among the U23s this Friday after defeating Martin Svrček in a two-man sprint at the end of the day’s 173.6 kilometers.

Niklas Behrens (20 years) was crowned Champion d’Europe 2024 among the Hopes at Zurich this Friday. The German rider, 1.95 meters tall, was able to maneuver his large frame perfectly in the final. Impressively powerful, he beat Martin Svrček (Slovakia) in a two-man sprint, without possible dispute. Alec Segaert (Belgium) took third place by coming out on the counter. Jan Christen (Switzerland) finally finished 4th, he who left alone 50 kilometers from the finish and who was seen again 10 kilometers from the line.

A dynamic race from the start

Like the other races of these 2024 World Championships road cycling, the Espoirs event followed the same pattern: a few attacks, but an unsustainable pace set by a formation. Despite everything, Lewis Bower (New Zealand), Cole Kessler (United States) and Robert Donaldson (Great Britain) formed a small breakaway. This enterprise did not last long under the impetus of the host selection which sought to put Jan Christen in orbit.

Jan Christen leaves alone 50 kilometers from the finish

Despite a very eventful race, Switzerland placed Jan Christen in the best conditions two laps from the finish. The runner who usually wears the team colors UAE Team Emirates placed a powerful attack more than 50 kilometers from the finish. He then isolated himself, even though Giulio Pellizzari (Italy) went after him, in vain. But behind, a group with many Belgians set out to reduce the gap. The trend therefore reversed slightly and Christen saw her gap reduced to around fifteen seconds in the last 15 kilometers.

Christen caught and left behind, Behrens and Svrček the strongest

10 kilometers from the finish, Jan Christen was taken over by the colossus Niklas Behrens (Germany) and Martin Svrček (Slovakia), who got rid of the Belgians and in particular Jarno Wider. As soon as they returned, Behrens He’s a powerful runner at 1.95 meters tall. Christen then exploded after his solo raid of 40 terminals, while Squirrel held on as best he could. Behind, the Blackmore, Segaert, Widar, Del Toro et Christen were never able to plug the hole. In a two-man sprint, there was no need for a photofinish to win Behrens. Segaertwho started against, took third place.

Ranking – 2024 World Championships: Men’s Hopes

  1. BEHRENS Niklas (GERMANY) the 173.6 km in 03:57:24
  2. SVRČEK Martin (SLOVAKIA) mt
  3. SEGAERT Alec (BELGIUM) + 00:28
  6. DEL TORO Isaac (MEXIQUE) mt
  7. WIDAR Newspaper (BELGIUM) + 00:50
  8. DEL GROSSO Tibor (PAYS-BAS) + 01:25
  9. ROMEO Ivan (SPAIN) + 02:27
  10. ARRIETA Igor (SPAIN) + 02:45

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