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Laura Asencio: “I needed a change” – News

After five seasons spent with the German team Ceratizit-WNT Pro Cycling, Laura Asencio will play in the Arkéa-B&B Hôtels team in 2025. The 26-year-old runner is hoping for a revival in her career with the French team. For DirectVelothe former French Espoirs Champion looked back on her years spent abroad and her future in her new team.

DirectVelo: What do you remember from your season?
Laura Asencio: I’m quite satisfied. In certain races, I was able to obtain good results with good sensations. I am also happy because in terms of my data, I have progressed well. The important thing is to progress every year and this year the objective was validated. I don’t know if in terms of results this is my best season but in terms of power, I have never been so strong. I also changed coaches so I think that also had its effect. I don’t think I’m at the end of my development because I wouldn’t have progressed as much this year. I am convinced that I can still progress and reach a new milestone next year.

You are leaving Ceratizit at the end of the season, what assessment do you draw from your five years spent with them?
This is a very good record. They gave me the opportunity to turn professional. I spent five years with them so it’s still a good chapter in my career and my life. I met extraordinary people. They managed to bring me to the highest level which is the WorldTour so I am very happy to have made this journey with them. I am also very grateful for the opportunity they gave me.


So you are joining Arkéa-B&B Hôtels for the 2025 season, why this choice?
Five years at Ceratizit is still a long time and I needed a change. I already knew during the season that my contract was coming to an end and I wanted something new. I think having a new environment gives a little boost and that’s what I need for next year. At Ceratizit I was really there as a teammate, which could be a little frustrating. Even being a teammate, I was able to have good results and I know that if I am given more of a chance I think I will achieve more results. I wanted to give myself the chance to go to a team where I was going to have the opportunity to get these results. If I don’t get them too bad, but at least I tried.

You raced the Tour de France in 2022 but you were absent from the last two editions, is it a goal to go there with Arkéa?
I definitely hope to return to the Tour de France. It’s one of the races where everyone wants to go and I really want to do it. This year I did the Giro which I had never done before, I was also happy to do it but it’s true that I really want to return to the Tour de France. It’s always a different vibe.


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