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Montcellien Cycling Club – Laurine Ducoté stronger than the boys

Results – FFC departmental cycling school championship in Chauffailles and FSGT CLM in Ouroux-sur-Saône on September 15, 2024.

FFC Departmental Cycling School Championship.

LAURINE DUCOTÉ, DEPARTMENTAL CHAMPION. JULINE DUCOTÉ, VICE-CHAMPION. This Sunday, September 15, ES Chauffailles organized the FFC departmental road championships. The DUCOTÉ sisters were present and returned with a title and a 2nd place. For cycling schools, skill games, sprint and road race.

In U 13: Laurine DUCOTÉ is the departmental champion. What a great achievement by Laurine! Indeed, the only female representative, she was there to fight with the boys. And she succeeded! She won the scratch games, ranked 6th in the sprints despite a failed second attempt. For the race, she just had to hang on to the group to win the scratch ranking of Saône et . Done!! In the general ranking, she ranked 4th and 1st in department 71.

In U 17: Juline DUCOTÉ is the departmental vice-champion. Suffering, Juline wanted to line up at the start of the championship. Unfortunately, she will not be able to compete with the others. She will still have had the courage to finish her race.

Thanks to the DUCOTÉ family for the photos. Congratulations girls!!!

FSGT CLM in Ouroux-sur-Saône.

DOUBLE PODIUM FOR THIERRY MULLER. This Sunday, September 16, the Vélo Club de St Marcel organized its first CLM in Ouroux/Saône. A very beautiful circuit of almost 9 km to be done once individually and twice as a gentleman. The sun was there and the wind too! 3 Montcelliens were present with 2 podiums to the key.

In cat 4: 2nd place for Thierry Muller. Our brand new departmental champion climbed onto the box, taking 2nd place at the finish line, 1 second from victory.

In cat 2: 10th place for Quentin DREZET. It’s nice to see Quentin back on the roads of Saône et Loire. For his first CLM of the season, he offers himself a nice top 10.

As a gentleman: 2nd place for Thierry MULLER and Brigitte BAUDEMENT. Great performance for our 2 Montcelliens who climbed onto the second step of the podium with an excellent time.

Thanks to Quentin DREZET and Vélo Sport for the photos. Congratulations to all 3!!!

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