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controversy after the installation of anti-bicycle signs

How to combat disorderly bicycle parking? On the Île de Ré, the municipality of La Flotte has put up 76 prohibition signs. The aim is to no longer allow users to park near trees. A measure that is as accepted as it is controversial.

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In La Flotte-en-Ré (Charente-Maritime), cyclists are welcome, but not just anywhere. Since the beginning of summer, the town has wanted to make a statement against the illegal parking of bicycles. 76 signs have been placed in front of as many plane trees. They prohibit parking your bike anywhere.

The bikes were parked near the trees, according to the municipality of La Flotte-en-Ré.

© Sébastien Poirier / France Télévisions

All are located on Cours Félix Faure, in the continuity of the port. In the commune, the initiative makes the inhabitants react.

Some defend the measure, while others are outraged, on the users’ side.It’s a lot, but I think that if we don’t remind every tree, unfortunately people don’t respect it.says a resident met by our journalists“.

A little further on, another person is also divided : “I am a little shocked by this affair, not wanting bicycles to be parked, while it is a tourist city. We cannot ban everything.“The town attracts many tourists, especially during the summer.”It’s a bit much, it’s a bit too much, but it’s certain that during the tourist season it must be unbearable, so you even have to leave the bikes at the entrance.concludes another resident.

No cause for controversy, according to the town hall. Total cost of this installation : 7,000 euros, but worth it from the point of view of the municipal team. Users play with the limits, notes the mayor. “We initially tried to put one out of two, or one out of three, but we realized that people are very inventive. What is not forbidden is allowed, so we decided to put them everywhere.“, justifies Jean-Paul Héraudeau, mayor of La Flotte (non-partisan).

The signs are placed on the Cours Félix Faure, not far from the port of La Flotte-en-Ré.

© Sébastien Poirier / France Télévisions

The abuses continued, even after the signs were installed. There was no other solution than to persevere in this direction, for the municipality.We also changed some benches, because we noticed that people put their bikes on the benches. The bike, the bicycle, it’s the bike island, the island of Ré, it’s like everything : excess is harmful“, adds the elected official.

The town hall does not believe that it is being repressive. To control the parking of two-wheelers, the town has indicated that it has invested in a former wasteland at the entrance to Cours Félix Faure. The aim is to create a parking lot dedicated to bicycles.


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