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Florentin Lecamus-Lambert: “The first in history” – News

Florentin Lecamus-Lambert made history last Sunday at the end of the Puisaye-Forterre Classic, the final round of the N1 French Cup. Leader of the individual ranking before the final event, the VC 76 member was able to maneuver in the final to score enough points to ensure his team’s victory, and at the same time become the first winner of the individual French Cup. (see ranking). “We got into the points easily. We were able to control the whole day, without panicking. When I crossed the line, I knew it was good. Also being the first in history to win the individual classification is extremely pleasing,” he confesses to the microphone of DirectVelo just after receiving his trophy.

He owes this individual success in part to his team. “The sensations were very good but there was Killian (Théot) who was at the front. He was manoeuvring really well, he could have played his card and done better but he preferred to bury Nicola Marcerou (2nd in the individual ranking, Editor’s note) and favour my ranking”. And as the finale approached, Florentin Lecamus-Lambert did not want to leave without trying anything. “I told my friends that I was fine, that my legs were turning well and that I could do the massif. They took me really well to consolidate my position as leader“. And it was not for personal gain that the 29th in the Amateur DV Challenge wanted to play his card. “I knew I had to make a place, both for the individual ranking and for the team. I had great feelings, I wanted to take advantage of them”explains the 12th in the event (see ranking).


The first overall winner, the 25-year-old rider was also the first to wear the yellow leader’s bib after his victory in the first round of the Coupe de , the Tour des 4B Sud-Charente in March. He did not yet make it a priority, and it was not until the end of June that he was fully devoted to this cause. “When I saw that I was leader again after the Caux Tour (finished in 4th place, Editor’s note)that I was physically well, I was immediately focused on the Coupe de France”. Even if it means leaving the running companions for a weekend. “I really relaxed at the end of July-beginning of August to be there at that moment. My legs responded as I wanted, it’s great.”.

With this perfect weekend, Florentin Lecamus-Lambert adds another line to his list of achievements. “The end-of-season goal was the Coupe de France. We won it as a team and individually, it’s great. Personally, it’s a weight off my shoulders. It proves that I’m consistent, that I can perform at the start and end of the season.”This success almost closes the 2024 financial year for the team. “Next weekend, we will be on the Tour de l’Eure-et-Loir with the desire to do great things”. One last battle before putting the bike away for the winter.


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