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U19 Indre Fenioux stops – News

The U19 Indre Fenioux structure will cease its activities at the end of this season following the withdrawal of the main partner Christian Fenioux, founder and general director of Laboratoires Fenioux.Christian has given a lot, he has always said that in this year 2024, he would halve his contribution and that he would stop completely in 2025. The annual budget of the U19 Fenioux amounted to €50-60,000, of which more than a third (€20,000) came from Labos Fenioux. The departmental council has also supported us from the beginning, but I have not been able to find other partner companies capable of supporting us in the same proportions.explains Eric Hervouet, president of the Sport en Grand association, which supports the cycling team, to the New Republic.

Created at the end of 2021, U19 Indre Fenioux has notably seen the French Cadet Champion Hugo Boucher, Karl Sagnier who signed for three years in the Conti Groupama-FDJ from 2026 to 2028, Florian Gaillard (Cre’Actuel-Marie-Morin U22) and Gabriel Coulondre (Guidon Chalettois) pass through its ranks.


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