DayFR Euro

Michel and Marine cycle 600 kilometers between and Saint-Etienne to encourage the Greens

the essential
They accomplished a real feat: Michel Crampe and his daughter Marine: reaching Saint-Etienne by bike, from Bordères-sur-l’Echez (Hautes-Pyrénées), in three days, to go and support their favorite team ASSE, the Verts de Saint-Etienne who were playing against .

Having left at 4:30 am (Wednesday 11th), in the dark of night but with mild weather, they did not encounter many people on their route, except for cats or foxes. Favoring small roads, they reached Monclar-de-Quercy around noon after 185 km.
After eating, Marine and Michel take the hilly road again until they arrive in Naucelle (Aveyron) where Yann, their friend, meets them in the car to take care of the supplies.
A first day (275 km) which therefore took place in complete autonomy and where the rain accompanied them in the last 25 kilometers.

Departure at 4:30 in the morning from Bordères… It took them three days to reach Saint-Etienne to cheer on the Greens.
DR – .

Restorative night

Restful night at the lodge and Thursday, departure at 8 am, in beautiful but cold weather with a headwind that bothered them all day. Magnificent landscapes, the Aubrac plateau (1,500m altitude), farms, herds, immense pastures… They were amazed despite the cold and reached the lodge, after Le Puy-en-Velay, around 8:30 pm, after this day, the longest, with 235 km and 3,700 m of elevation gain (3,000 m the first day)!
The third day, Friday, was no more than a formality for our two Borderais with (only) 90 km to cover! Having left at 10 am, they arrived in front of the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium in Saint-Etienne at 2 pm.

Featured at the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium

The local newspaper “Le Progrès”, which had been informed of their adventure, arranged to interview them, after having already talked about them in their edition at the beginning of the week. That is why they were very surprised when, at match time, in front of the stadium, Saint-Etienne supporters greeted them: “Are you the ones who came from the Pyrenees by bike?”

Michel and Marine were honoured by Le Progrès in Saint-Etienne after their exploit.
Progress – .

And what about their amazement when, inside the stadium, their photo (the one published in our edition of Wednesday 11) appeared on a giant screen and the voice of the speaker recounted their journey.
600 km covered in three days, 8,000 m of altitude difference… no cramps or particular fatigue… And the cherry on the cake: Michel and Marine witnessed the victory of their favorite team. The next day, in the local newspaper, a box was dedicated to them in the sports page of the Verts, which they keep preciously.
On returning to Bordères, sad news, Michel learned of the death of Pierre Theil, a fan like him of the Greens, with whom he loved to talk about their shared passion.


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