Sarah Abitbol and the slap she got, a double punishment
DayFR Euro

Sarah Abitbol and the slap she got, a double punishment

The former figure skating champion revealed a few years ago that she had been raped by her coach Gilles Beyer. Today, she is still being singled out by some for speaking out. She testifies for “Libération”.

On March 8, a law co-constructed by Sarah Abitbol and the PS senator of Aude Sébastien Pla, strengthened the protection of minors and the control of honorability in sport. During this back-to-school period, the skating champion who revealed in 2020 that she had been the victim of rape committed by her coach Gilles Beyer spoke out to Release.

For Sarah Abitbol, ​​the Paris Olympics could have been a powerful moment to raise awareness a little more about sexual violence in sport.Simone Biles is an example of resilience, we could have used her as support to raise more awarenesssays the skating queen. As a reminder, Simone Biles, who won three gold medals and one silver in Paris, was the victim of the former doctor of the American team, Larry Nassar, convicted in 2018 of sexual violence.

If the American athlete managed to get through it, it is in particular thanks to those around her and the implementation of psychological support.In my day, going to see a shrink was ‘crazy’. The mental trainer can be a relay to testify when something abnormal happens. When you have suffered sexual violence, either you become stronger and become a champion again, or you can fall into drugs, alcohol, antidepressants. After twenty years, I am still on antidepressants, although I am better.“, says Sarah Abitbol. Fortunately, things have changed.

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