Can Cyril Linette play it like Vincent Labrune?
DayFR Euro

Can Cyril Linette play it like Vincent Labrune?

Four years ago to the day, before presenting himself before the General Assembly of the Professional Football League (LFP), Vincent Labrune was not feeling very good. As he told us a few years ago, on the very morning of the election, in his Parisian hotel room, he questioned his wife: “what’s the point of going after all?”, asked the former president of OM (2011-2016), dragging his spleen just a few hours before the deadline. Doubt was creeping in while behind the scenes, he had fought to turn around a situation that the football microcosm took for granted: the big favorite to succeed Nathalie Boy de la Tour, who had not wanted to run again, Michel Denisot (ex-Canal+ and ex-PSG) was expected to win…

But here’s the thing: Vincent Labrune had several key supporters among the Ligue 1 presidents, some of whom played a double game with the two candidates, an old habit in the corridors of French football, where betrayals and heavy tackles are legion. His lobbying from the shadows had allowed him to impose himself by 15 votes to 10 against the favorite candidate, who nevertheless had the support of the heavyweights of French football at the time: Noël Le Graët (FFF), Jean-Michel Aulas (OL) and Nasser Al-Khelaïfi (PSG).

One term later, the 53-year-old from Orleans is now in the shoes of the hunted. But he insisted at all costs on maintaining the initial timetable for this election, despite a campaign of only (…)

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