Tony Estanguet’s fantasized political future
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Tony Estanguet’s fantasized political future

The role of the president of the Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Tony Estanguet, in the immense success of Paris 2024 has been unanimously praised, to the point that many observers are considering a political career for him. But the three-time Olympic champion does not seem to be in a hurry to follow in the footsteps of Guy Drut or David Douillet.

“The man of the summer”, was the headline of Le Parisien in its Sunday, September 8 edition. Having become the face of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Tony Estanguet is now known to all French people and beyond the borders of France. So much so that the question of his future occupies minds. Sports leaders, politicians, athletes, and media from all over the world have praised the organization of the Paris Games, showering praise on the president of the Organizing Committee (Cojop). Enough to open many doors for him, starting with those in the political world.

“He appears today as the great architect of this success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. You only have to look at the headlines in the French and international press and the parallels made with Sebastian Coe, who organised the London 2012 Games, and is now a possible future head of the IOC. [Comité international olympique]to understand that Tony Estanguet is indeed the undisputed winner of Paris 2024. Unlike Anne Hidalgo or Emmanuel Macron, he only has positive dividends to show,” analyzes Jean-Baptiste Guégan, specialist in sports geopolitics, author of several works.


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