Matthieu Lartot draws up the sad assessment of the Paralympic Games…
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Matthieu Lartot draws up the sad assessment of the Paralympic Games…

The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games are officially over. Indeed, the closing ceremony was held yesterday, Sunday, September 8. The day before this final evening, Matthieu Lartot seemed rather upset by one aspect of the event.

It’s a beautiful summer that is ending! After the Olympic Games that took place between July 26 and August 11, room was made for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games . Sunday, September 8, 2024 was the closing ceremony, to the great delight of Daphné Bürki who will finally be able to reunite with her daughters Hedda and Suzanne. On the eve of this evening, Matthieu Lartota sports journalist for France Télévisions, had a little rant.

Saturday September 7, on the set of What Games!he did not mince his words. While Léa Salamé’s show was dedicated to the end of the Paralympic Games, the forty-year-old right leg amputee wanted to make a few remarks.There was the same ambition for the Olympic and Paralympic Games: a single French team. During the Paralympic Games, members of the French Olympic team came to the sites“, he noted with pride. But he still highlighted some differences between the two events.”The big stars were not present during the twelve days of the Games“, he regretted. A finding shared by Michael Jeremiasz, head of mission of the French delegation: “All the actors, singers and everyone who came a little bit”bling bling“As for the Olympic Games, I haven’t seen them.


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