Criticized for her comments during the Olympic Games, Daphné Bürki launches a t-shirt to benefit Secours Populaire
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Criticized for her comments during the Olympic Games, Daphné Bürki launches a t-shirt to benefit Secours Populaire

As the host of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, Daphné Bürki has attracted a lot of criticism for her “excessive” comments about her collaboration with Thomas Jolly. On the set of “Quotidien”, she unveiled a t-shirt in response to her detractors.

Self-mockery as a weapon of deterrence. Appointed as a commentator for the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, alongside Laurent Delahousse and Alexandre Boyon, Daphné Bürki had crystallized the criticism of viewers. The cause of their anger? The too numerous interventions of the France Télévisions presenter, judged “megalomaniac”, “intolerable”or even “egocentric”. Her enthusiasm was not understood by her detractors, while this fashion enthusiast had thrown herself into the event as “styling and costumes” director after the loss of her partner. Hence her emotion after Celine Dion’s moving performance from the Eiffel Tower.

From a gratuitous attack to an action for a good cause

In the middle of the Paralympic Games, the journalist returned to “Quotidien” to discuss this role, which had long been kept a secret.I gave a few interviews where I explained that for two years I lived in secret, I worked for Thomas Jolly and only my children knew about it“, she first explained, before realizing that this understatement “had become a very recurring gimmick”. This is why she played on this recurrence to make fun of it. “I said to myself, while I was at it, I’d create my own costume.”she revealed, before revealing her t-shirt on which we can read…

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