Why is it not over between PSG and Pernod Ricard?

Why is it not over between PSG and Pernod Ricard?

The straw that broke the camel’s back. Caught in a storm of bell towers after the announcement of its partnership with PSG, the Pernod Ricard group announced that it wanted to backtrack in order to appease the strong reactions from Marseille accusing the southern alcohol producer of “betrayal”.

Several voices were raised against this agreement deemed unnatural, including those of the mayor of Marseille Benoît Payan and even one of the granddaughters of the founder of the brand Paul Ricard. Faced with the outcry, the Pernod Ricard group announced this Thursday in a press release “to renounce its global partnership which was to link it to Paris Saint-Germain to promote its whisky and champagne brands internationally” to preserve the link “stronger than anything” between the brand and the Phocaean city.

“This is a decision that comes from the heart that I am making today,” said Alexandre Ricard, CEO of the group.

Bringing this agreement to life

However, the links between PSG and Pernod Ricard should not be completely broken. According to our information, the controversy has been the subject of long discussions in the Ricard family in recent hours. In the entourage of the Parisian club, we understand the reaction of the alcohol manufacturer, caught in an inextricable controversy, but we believe that Alexandre Ricard’s announcement does not completely call into question the existing partnership.

Indeed, PSG remains convinced that the spirits group considers this agreement intelligent and necessary for the development of Pernod Ricard. PSG therefore remains on good terms with Pernod Ricard, but the club believes that the latter will have to honor its obligations.

New exchanges will thus take place and the partnership between the two parties will be reframed, the capital club wanting to keep this agreement alive. Beyond this, PSG should also announce new partnerships with other brands in the coming weeks.

- RMC Sport


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