His announcement went viral within hours. The Princess of WalesKate Middleton, declared Tuesday January 14 “to be relieved to be now in remission” from her cancer followed since the beginning of September at the Royal Marsden hospital in London. A term commonly used in oncology, but which is not synonymous with cure. “Remission simply means that at this stage there is no no more detectable signs of cancer in the body based on all the examinations carried out”, explains to Time Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi, oncologist and professor of medicine in the United States.
Remission of cancer is defined by the absence of clinical, biological (on blood tests and urine analyses) and radiological signs, associated with improved overall health of the patient. “The word cure is rarely part of the vocabulary of health professionals in their discussions with their patients treated for cancer. They more readily use the term “complete remission” because they know that signs of recurrence, even distant ones, are possible”, explains the National Cancer Institute on its site.
Is Kate Middleton in partial or complete remission from her cancer?
There are actually two types of remission: partial and complete. During the partial remission phase, the cancer may have shrunk but still remain in the body. There are still traces of cancer cells in the body, even if they have regressed. In case of complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappearedbut this does not guarantee recovery. “It reflects the inability to decide on a future development that is unknowable on an individual scale,” emphasizes Dr. Dominique Gros, senologist, to the Rose Up association.
This important stage in the life of a cancer patient does not mean the absence of follow-up, quite the contrary. Imaging exams, blood tests as well as follow-up with a cancer specialist must be regular. “Sometimes, consolidation treatments are also necessary to destroy any residual, invisible cancer cells, which could be the cause of relapses”, specifies France Info.
This disease is known for its recurrences, even after complete remission. Some types are more likely to come back than others, such as pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer and certain brain tumors. “I tell my patients that remission is an important step in the cancer journeybecause it allows you to know that you are on the path to recovery,” explains to Time Dr. Flowers. “It’s the most positive first step of being in remission.” Regarding Prince William's wife, the nature of her cancer has still not been revealed.
-Does remission mean cure?
Doctors are always very reluctant to use the word “cure”. “Healing corresponds to a prolonged remission over several years, long enough to eliminate any risk of relapse”, specifies France Info Doctor Philippe Bergerot, president of the League Against Cancer.
Why remission at five years?
The only way to say that a person is cured of their cancer is through medical statistics. We are then talking about five-year survival. In France, 60% of patients witha malignant tumor survive to five years. According to statisticians, after this date, the patient regains the same life expectancy as the entire population of the same age and sex who have never had cancer. A rate which varies depending on the tumor as well as the evolution of treatments, in particular advances in immunotherapy in recent years.
The right to be forgotten
When this five-year period has passed and no symptoms have reappeared, the patient can request the right to be forgotten. “It is the non-declaration of a cancer which occurred prior to the loan application for a borrower whose the therapeutic protocol has been completed for five yearsregardless of the cancer he suffered from”, defines the National Cancer Institute on its site.
This law adopted on February 28, 2022 applies five years after the end of the therapeutic protocol, that is to say the end of active treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. It also removes the medical questionnaire for real estate loans less than 200,000 euros and subscribed before the age of 60.