Albret and Agenais unite around cycle tourism

Albret and Agenais unite around cycle tourism
Albret and Agenais unite around cycle tourism

the essential
The two neighboring communities of communes have joined forces to promote cycle tourism around the canal.

Public projects sometimes arise from a discussion at a restaurant. The one who hosted the Lavardacais meal for centrist and community elected officials, Henri Tandonnet and Alain Lorenzelli, led this Thursday to the inauguration of the Cyclo’Nature. This tourism project, partly subsidized by European LEADER funds, promotes cycling by installing suitable equipment on the cycle path which runs along the Garonne side canal.

Boost a common tourist asset

“In Agenais, we were new to European aid funds,” slips the 1st vice-president of the Agglo d’. Alain Lorenzelli, president of Albret Communauté, is more experienced in seeking these subsidies. On the day of the famous meal, he was just returning from Brussels. Thus was born the idea of ​​cooperation between the two territories to develop the tourist asset offered by the canal.

This two-year project culminated a few months ago with the installation of equipment dedicated to cycling, and particularly cycle tourism. From Buzet-sur-Baïse in the west, to Saint-Romain-le-Noble in the east, bicycle racks, repair and inflation workshops, picnic tables and signage have been installed to best support cycle tourists on their outings.

Aid from Europe

“The objective is to improve the comfort of cycle tourism and, via signage, to bring and guide those who follow the canal towards the hillsides, Albret in particular,” explained Henri Tandonnet. “After the Karos carpooling application which now exists in the two territories, it is a new axis of common work which connects Albret and Agenais, commented for his part Alain Lorenzelli. Especially since the future greenway will be able to bring cyclists from Feugarolles to Condom And, in the same place, our Cyclo’Nature meets the great Scandibérique. We therefore fit perfectly into nature tourism, providing economic activity for our citizens and our territory. In Sérignac, a building in the Agglo could thus be transformed into a lodge for cycle tourists.

Financially, the help from Europe has been valuable, which allows us to have a low-cost tourist tool. 45,000 euros including 32,000 euros subsidized for the Agglo d’Agen, 70,000 euros including 56,000 euros subsidized for Albret Community.

Just goes to show that a good meal can give you good ideas.



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