Philippe Gibert French time trial champion

Philippe Gibert French time trial champion
Philippe Gibert French time trial champion

Born in 1995, Barraban, Philippe Gibert, in 2011 took his cycling license at the Saint-Chély cycling club directed by Christian Greliche, he is passionate about the little queen. Well supervised by the club, he generates victory after victory in his category, often climbs on the podium, an eloquent record with the title of Ufolep French champion against the clock, he has aptitude for this sporting discipline.

Then in 2021, he changed clubs to sign for a club in , he often took first place on the podium in his category, in 2024, he had just won the regional championship, which selected him to compete in the French individual time trial championship in the 20-29 age category, in Saint-Germain-l’Espinasse (), which he won hands down with a time of 31’38”, over a 22.8 km course, on Saturday September 21.

Philippe Gibert had a serious traffic accident in 2018 and had to undergo rehabilitation for two years. He then took up cycling again, thanks to his courage and determination.

Midi Libre correspondent: 04 66 31 13 10



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