Is cycling a life enhancer?

How could cycling be a life enhancer? How and why? This is the question we addressed in our newsletter Weelz Decrypts last week. Why are we talking about it again? We’ll explain.

Weelz! decrypts, another space available

We told you about this newsletter here, when we launched it. Without paraphrasing this post published in June 2022, we wanted to create a slightly different space for expression. The intention is also to create an alternative cycling reading space for you. Everyone comes to Weelz! for their own motivations. Everyone comes to pick up information based on their interests, practices and desires.

In our columns, on Weelz!, we try to approach cycling from the angle of the art of living: mobility, politics, tourism, travel, adventure, sport… It’s broad. This is also what makes (for us) our editorial line exciting. Since the art of living evolves with the times, we never have the impression of repeating ourselves.

So, we have this feeling (do you have it?): the more we delve into the subject of cycling, the more doors we open, the more we have the impression that the field of possibilities is infinite. To put it another way, we have this feeling about cycling: the more we know about it, the less we know about it. Fascinating!

Weelz! decrypts, it’s Weelz!… without being Weelz!

Weelz! decrypts, it’s Weelz!… without being one. Like Canada Dry in short. Since the comments made in the Weelz! decrypts newsletter are significantly different from the editorial line of Weelz! – the online media – we didn’t want to impose these posts on your reading thread. We wanted to give you the choice. You sign up, or not. You’re curious, or not. It’s up to you. If you want to subscribe, click here.

Also, access to Weelz Décrypte requires registration and subscription. So we are among ourselves. We do not express ourselves in the same way when we are among friends (weelz décrypte) or when we hold a public forum (Weelz!).

Why are we telling you about it again?

Because this newsletter went into spring and summer hibernation between February and September 2024. A combo. The fatal combo. We skip the publication once. We realize that the world continues to turn (damn!). The publication skips a second time, the world continues to turn (damned!). We lose the routine. The flow goes away. Laziness gets the better of us. The world turns round, again (gosh!). Time passes. We wake up during the summer holidays, we tell ourselves that we should relaunch it. So, we get down to it, we relaunch it. The summer break is also the time to write a few in advance.

The first edition of the Weelz! Décrypte revival, was published on September 4th. We talked about old people. The world continued to turn, neither better nor worse (heck!). Us? We had the satisfaction of saying to ourselves, we relaunched this newsletter. We received a few emails congratulating us, encouraging us. Our world started to turn a little better. That’s already good.

Here is the last reason. We are telling you about it because by announcing the return of this meeting, we are obliging ourselves. We will have to honor this meeting. Think about the next one, then the one after that, then the one after that.

So, is cycling a life enhancer?

This is the subject of our Weelz! decrypts of this last fortnight. We find that it is a nice way to summarize the benefits of cycling. Even if, the (taste) enhancer does not only have benefits. We also talk about circular economy, sports sponsorship. It is rich and varied. To find out more, you will have to subscribe to this newsletter. We slip in reflections. Subjects related to cycling. Subjects, which we try to bring back with a bicycle prism. In any case, if we say that all roads lead to Rome. Don’t they say, that the world revolves around cycling?

If you are indifferent to the taste enhancer, the next Decryption, this week’s, discusses the Chinese case.

Did you like this article? Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter. You can also add us to your favorites directly in Google News. And if you want to learn more about your cycling culture, we dissect the latest cycling news in this other newsletter, Weelz! Decrypts. A question, a comment? Contact us.



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