Can Astana dream of saving its place in the World Tour in 2026?

Can Astana dream of saving its place in the World Tour in 2026?
Can Astana dream of saving its place in the World Tour in 2026?

If just asking the question would have made you look crazy just a few weeks ago, Transfer window achieved by the Astana formation can lead to questions. Decryption therefore of the chances of the structure directed by Alexandre Vinokourov to save itself in World-Tour.

An XXL Mercato

By recruiting Diego Ulissi, but also Sergio Higuita, Wout Poels and Aaron Gate, Astana has made its mark on the transfer front. Especially since it has added young talents to these new leaders. Like Daren Van Bekkum, winner of the Ronde de l’Isard, as well as Florian Kajamini.

And rumors of new arrivals

If we add to that the persistent rumors that keep coming back, notably the one concerning Maxim Van Gils, and the desire to repatriate Alexsandr Vlasov, Astana could well on paper have a fairly monstrous 2025 season in terms of points.

Huge points potential

Monstrous because even if of course the riders do not bring with them their UCI points, the 2024 total of points for recruits and potential recruits is very high. Around 3,500 units for those who have signed. But also and above all 4,500 with only Vlasov and Van Gils. In other words, a real potential gold mine, even if one season does not make the other.

The example of Decathlon

The example to follow for Astana, and the one which ultimately gives us a good indicator of a successful move upmarket, is that of Decathlon. 18th and 1st non-relegation team at the end of the 2024 season, the French structure has shown that a big comeback is possible. Proof of this is that it has taken back more than 7,000 points from Cofidis over the entire season. That is 2,500 points more than what currently separates Astana from survival.

The Astana penalty?

This is perhaps Astana’s biggest problem, this old-school management. These wanderings in terms of calendar management, this supposed lack of professionalism, which could well cost dearly. This is because Astana not only needs a large squad to save itself, but also perfect management of the season.

The conclusion

If Van Gils and Vlasov sign, everything becomes possible again with a view to seeing Astana save itself in the World Tour. And if the task looks very difficult, a very good start to the season could trigger a nice dynamic, and give a few cold sweats to those who are fighting for survival. And could well see the arrival of a new competitor, a competitor that we thought was out of the game for a long time.



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