What is the Honey Deuce, this cocktail that everyone is talking about?

What is the Honey Deuce, this cocktail that everyone is talking about?

This is the story of a cocktail that has been creating a buzz every year between August and September since 2007. It is even the star of a tennis tournament, and not the least since it is the fourth Grand Slam tournament of the year: the US Open. For nearly twenty years, the New York tournament has offered the public a cocktail that is not found elsewhere: the Honey Deuce. Every summer, nearly a million people crowd into the stands at Flushing Meadows during the fifteen days that the US Open lasts. Enough to reach a large target.

The origins of this cocktail, which is acclaimed by the public, date back to the time when the French vodka brand Grey Goose, a partner of the event, came up with the idea of ​​creating a light and refreshing cocktail for these fifteen days of tennis in the heart of summer. Nick Mautone, a mixologist for several decades, then came up with the idea for this Honey Deuce. He obviously chose French vodka as a base, then added lemonade, raspberry liqueur and three small balls of green melon as decoration, thus referencing tennis balls.

If you want to reproduce the recipe at home, you will need a highball glass, a special container for “high” cocktails. Fill it with ice cubes, then add 40 ml of vodka, 90 ml of lemonade, 10 ml of raspberry liqueur from the Chambord brand produced in the Loire Valley. Then place a skewer with three iced balls of (…)

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