Streamer Ken Bogard climbs Ventoux three times via three different routes

Streamer Ken Bogard climbs Ventoux three times via three different routes

Twitch – Ken Bogard had set himself the crazy challenge of climbing Mont Ventoux (Vaucluse) by three different routes, on the occasion of ZEvent 2024 this weekend

This is an eighth successful edition for streamers Alexandre Dachary and Adrien Nougaret, creators of the ZEvent charity event. Once again, the streaming world came together for a marathon of live streams, with the aim of raising funds. In addition to Internet users, other personalities got involved in the project.

Among them, Léna Situations, Gotaga, Léon Marchand and Antoine Griezmann all made significant donations. Coupled with the loyalty of Internet users who followed the broadcasts throughout the weekend, ZEvent 2024 raised 10,182,126 euros. A colossal sum, which will be donated to five associations, including Secours populaire, Bureaux du cœur and Solidarité Paysans.

161 km, 34.000 euros

This Saturday, it was the turn of streamer and cyclist Ken Bogard to take on the challenge. Thus, as our colleagues from the media point out, the 39-year-old champion did not choose the easy way out when he thought about the live he was going to offer to Internet users. Indeed, live from Twitch, Ken Bogard took up the challenge of climbing Mont Ventoux, also called the “Giant of Provence”, by three different routes.

On three occasions, and in just under ten hours, Yoann Verdier, his real name, covered no less than 161.6 kilometers in Vaucluse(…) - 20minutes

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