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How were editors able to accept lousy articles during COVID-19 and why only retractions after 4.5 years?

The SARS-CoV2 virus pandemic has allowed all the enormities in terms of publication, and the community has been passive. I get angry reading this article which has just been rightly removed from the literature… a high school student would have quickly understood that it was a fairy tale… proposed by conspiracy theorists!

Effectiveness of ivermectin-based multidrug therapy in severely hypoxic, ambulatory COVID-19 patients

Here is the summary of the article… posted online on February 9, 2022…. the article is rubbish, at the level of Gautret et al, shameful article from the Raoult team:

Aims: Ivermectin is a safe, inexpensive and effective early COVID-19 treatment validated in 20+ random, controlled trials. Having developed combination therapies for Helicobacter pylori, the authors present a highly effective COVID-19 therapeutic combination, stemming from clinical observations. Patients & methods: In 24 COVID-19 subjects refusing hospitalization with high-risk features, hypoxia and untreated moderate to severe symptoms averaging 9 days, the authors administered this novel combination of ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc and vitamins D and C. Results & conclusions: All subjects resolved symptoms (in 11 days on average), and oxygen saturation improved in 24 h (87.4% to 93.1%; p = 0.001). There were no hospitalizations or deaths, less than (p

In practice, 24 patients without any comparison made it possible to observe the natural evolution of COVID-19. How can editors and reviewers let this slide… namely that in 11 days COVID-19 patients recover and do not need miracle pills, but oxygen. Read, there is even the illusion of statistics with crazy comparisons! The work of artists who worry… conspiracy theorists among the authors… only the IHU of is missing to sign.

The journal is called ‘Future Microbiology’ by Taylor & Francis and announces an impact factor of 2.5.

The withdrawal notice! why after 2 years? Denunciation possible?

Here is the translated withdrawal notice (Amended DeepL), note that it lacks clarity:

We, the editor(s) and publisher of Future Microbiology, have retracted the following article: Sabine Hazan, et al. Efficacy of ivermectin-based combination chemotherapy in ambulatory and severely hypoxic COVID-19 patients. Future Microbiology, 2022

After publication, doubts were raised regarding the methodology used in the study, the patient recruitment process and the data analysis. In accordance with our policy, we contacted the authors for explanations and hired an independent reviewer. After reviewing all materials, we were unable to confirm the integrity of the study design and reported results. Therefore, the editorial team no longer has confidence in the reported findings and has decided to retract the article. The authors cited in the publication have been informed. The authors, Sabine Hazan and Robert L Clancy, disagree with the retraction.


Where are we with retractions of articles on COVID-19: work ahead of us?

Two sites are useful:


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