DayFR Euro

Why the return of covid in nursing homes is of little concern

“We talk about an epidemic when we have more than three cases in 48 hours, this is not the case for the moment,” continues the manager, reassured by the vaccination rate of his residents. 70% of them received their booster vaccination during the spring. Among the remaining 30%, some refuse and others have developed antibodies after contracting the virus in recent months.

What to be serene for the summer? “The protocols are ready to be drawn at any time,” assures Jean-Christophe Amarantinis, president of Synerpa (National Union of Private Establishments and Residences for the Elderly). “The establishments are already organized and the teams are operational”.

One fear persists, however: the resurgence of Covid could weaken a sector already “struggling in terms of recruitment, particularly during the summer period,” confides the representative.

“The biggest defense is the vaccine”

Wearing a mask, washing hands, maintaining social distancing… The protocols, now well-established, include the famous barrier gestures, but also the establishment of a register of entries and exits to go back to the source in the event of contamination and the regular reporting of covid cases to national and local authorities. “Barrier gestures are good, but the biggest barrier is the vaccine,” insists Jean-Christophe Amarantinis. “It is important to encourage residents and people who regularly visit these establishments to get vaccinated.”

“Vaccination is also what allows us to maintain social bonds,” recalls Bertrand Coignec, at the height of the pandemic, nursing homes having experienced very strict containment measures (isolation in rooms, suspension of visiting rights …).

Beyond nursing homes, concerns remain about people kept at home. “They are often isolated people, losing their autonomy, who do not necessarily have all the right reflexes to protect themselves,” explains Jean-Christophe Amarantinis. The risk of spread is less neutralized than within an establishment.”

1. Accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people.


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