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Reduction in community grants to be re-examined by the City of Winnipeg

Winnipeg city council will reconsider a proposal to reduce the amount allocated to a community grant program. A municipal report recommended that funding for this program be reduced from $3.4 million to $1.3 million.

During a municipal meeting held Thursday, Winnipeg Mayor Scott Gillingham explained that he wants more discussions to take place before a decision is made.

I will refer this proposal to the City of Winnipeg Executive Committee for further considerationhe said.

The organisms Art City, Downtown Community Safety Partnership, End Homelessness Winnipeg, Graffiti Art Programming et Take Pride Winnipeg are among those who benefit from this funding.

Several representatives of these organizations and members of the public gathered Thursday morning in front of city hall, where municipal councilors were meeting.

When the demonstrators learned that the city council will reconsider this proposal, they exploded with joy.

The importance of investing in the community

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Josh Ruth is the general manager of Art City.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Natalia Weichsel

Josh Ruth, General Manager of Art City, highlights the importance of supporting community organizations

They fill gaps in our city and help the most vulnerable people in our cityhe says.

He adds that before the gathering, Art City had appealed for people to send emails to their councilors and the mayor.

We were hopeful that this would have an impact. I think it really gave the mayor and city council time to think and acthe says.

Jacqueline Boily, a member of the administrative council ofArt Cityshares this opinion.

She maintains that community programs can serve the community in a variety of ways.

Providing programs before, after school and on weekends helps young people express themselves artistically. It allows them to participate in the community. It also helps newcomers when they arrive in Canadashe explains.

I find that the community in Winnipeg is really there when we need them.

A quote from Jacqueline Boily, member of the administrative council of Art City

I’m really impressed by the community. Every time I go to an event, there are a large number of people with a lot of enthusiasm.says Jacqueline Boily.


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