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what you need to know about the vaccination campaign


  • The flu vaccination campaign runs from October 15, 2024 to January 31, 2025.
  • It is possible to be vaccinated against Covid-19 at the same time.
  • Vaccination is 100% covered for people at risk.

From October 15, 2024 to January 31, 2025, all people at risk are invited to get vaccinated against the flu, and – if they wish – to get a booster against Covid-19 at the same time. “The challenge is to make this double campaign a new annual reflex”explained Sarah Sauneron, deputy director general of health, during a press conference, according to FranceInfo.

Vaccination against influenza and Covid-19: who are the people concerned?

Health authorities recommend that people at risk be vaccinated against influenza and Covid-19, two infections that can cause serious complications in the most vulnerable. Are concerned:

  • people aged 65 and over;
  • patients under the age of 65, including children from the age of 6 months, suffering from certain chronic illnesses (diabetes, cystic fibrosis, heart failure, etc.);
  • pregnant women;
  • individuals suffering from obesity (BMI greater than or equal to 40);
  • people staying in a follow-up care establishment or in a medico-social accommodation establishment whatever their age.

These “targets” benefit from full coverage by Health Insurance for the flu vaccine. Beyond people at risk, vaccination is also recommended for students and professionals in the health sector and those in regular contact with vulnerable people (around infants under six months or immunocompromised people, etc.).

In addition, the campaign proposes, again this year, to vaccinate children aged 2 to 17 without comorbidity. For them, Social Security coverage is 65%.

For the record: the injection against SARS-CoV-2 remains free for everyone, even people who are not at risk.

Covid, Flu: how does vaccination take place?

There is no vaccine to fight against both flu viruses and coronavirus. However, it is possible to inject both products on the same day. Health Insurance specifies, in fact, on its website: “there is no delay between flu vaccination and Covid-19 vaccination”.

The injections can be carried out by doctors, nurses, pharmacists, midwives or even medical or pharmacy students.

“If you get the flu vaccination at the same time as the Covid-19 vaccination, you must always bring your flu vaccine to the professional who is vaccinating you. The flu vaccine is only available in pharmacies. The vaccine against Covid-19 is available from the health professional who vaccinates you”adds Health Insurance.

To obtain the flu vaccine, you must go to the pharmacy and present the voucher (sent by the Health Insurance fund) as well as the vital card. If you are a target person (for example a pregnant woman, an obese person or someone close to an infant, etc.) but you have not received the voucher, contact your doctor, your pharmacist, your nurse or your midwife. These professionals have the possibility of providing one.


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