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Seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccination: find a healthcare professional

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Find a healthcare professional for the flu – Covid-19 vaccination on the Santé.fr card :

Where and when can I get vaccinated?

Vaccination against Covid-19 is recommended at least 6 months after the last vaccination or Covid-19 infection. This period is reduced to 3 months for people aged at least 80, immunocompromised patients and residents of EHPADs and USLDs (long-term care units).

Eligible people can receive both flu and Covid-19 vaccinations, either concomitantly at two different injection sites or in two stages. There is no minimum time to be respected between the two vaccinations if they cannot be carried out at the same time.

In order to facilitate the widest possible administration of vaccines against influenza and Covid-19, these vaccines may be administered by a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or midwife.

Who is affected by vaccination?

Who are the people affected?

This double vaccination campaign targets the same populations, likely to develop a serious form of these diseases, which are:

  • people aged 65 and over;
  • people under 65 suffering from certain chronic illnesses;
  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from obesity: body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 40;
  • those around infants at risk of serious influenza and immunocompromised people, with the aim of protecting the fragile people around them;
  • home help for vulnerable individual employers benefiting from exemptions;
  • professionals exposed to avian and swine influenza viruses.
  • people with Down syndrome, psychiatric disorders or dementia for vaccination against Covid-19 only.

For these people, flu vaccination is 100% covered upon presentation of the Vitale card and the Health Insurance voucher. In addition, anyone wishing to be vaccinated free of charge against Covid-19, even if they are not affected by the vaccination recommendations, will be able to be vaccinated.

In addition, vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 is also recommended for those around these vulnerable people, as well as for professionals in the medical and social sectors according to the treatment arrangements available on

Vaccination, how does it work?

  • The vaccine against seasonal flu or Covid-19 takes around 15 days to be effective. The circulation of Covid-19 has intensified since the end of September 2024. Don’t wait to get vaccinated!
  • The Covid-19 vaccine is provided by the healthcare professional without it being necessary to present a document (it is 100% covered for anyone over the age of 5).
  • The flu vaccine can be collected free of charge at the pharmacy upon presentation of the voucher and the Vitale card. Then simply get vaccinated by the professional of your choice: pharmacist, nurse, doctor, midwife. If it is not the pharmacist who vaccinates, the flu vaccine should be kept in the refrigerator until the injection.

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