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Everything you need to know (or almost) about the vaccination campaign against flu and Covid-19 #OnVousRépond

The seasonal flu vaccination campaign begins this Tuesday, October 15 and will end on January 31. The one against Covid-19 began on October 2, but the two vaccines are possible simultaneously, and concern the most fragile among us.


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The Burgundy-Franche-Comté Regional Health Agency is launching the flu vaccination campaign from October 15. A campaign aimed at the most vulnerable but which can also be accompanied by vaccination against Covid-19.

Alain Morin, director of public health at ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, answers our questions.

Who is affected?

Alain Morin : the most vulnerable groups, people over 65, whether at home or in medico-social structures, pregnant women, immunocompromised people and any chronic patient. Everyone can be vaccinated, the vaccine is available and free for all people benefiting from Social Security support and only costs around ten euros.

Is flu vaccination recommended?

A.M. : Vaccination against influenza is not compulsory, but it is recommended for all vulnerable people as a priority, and the entire population thereafter. We have approximately 55% of the population over 65 years old who are vaccinated against the flu. The ideal, to avoid having a very active circulation of the virus, would be to have 80% of the population vaccinated. We consider that vaccination makes it possible to avoid 2000 deaths in the territory, which is not nothing. This is not a trivial disease!

Covid and flu vaccination can be done on the same day, with a flu vaccination injection in one arm and an injection against Covid 19 in the other. There is no interaction problem, there is no reduction in activity, there is no increased allergic risk. It is mainly for the sake of simplicity that both vaccines remain possible at the same time.

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Who can vaccinate?

A.M. : First, you can do it with your GP, but also with pharmacists. It’s easier to do it at the pharmacist, rather than making an appointment with your doctor. Home nurses can do this, midwives who see pregnant women too.
We have expanded the range of professionals who can vaccinate, this is done to simplify access to vaccination as much as possible.

A suitable Covid-19 vaccine?

A.M. : The vaccine is regularly adapted to new variants. The current variant is JN1, which is a descendant of Omicron. The doses are Pfizer, there is no longer any subject around the origin of the vaccines. There is no problem with availability or stock. It must be remembered that it is a free vaccine.

Are barrier gestures still relevant?

A.M. : It’s not just Covid somewhere that allows us to maintain barrier gestures! You must keep the good principles of ventilating your home, wearing a mask, washing your hands! Unfortunately there is a decline in perception of the benefit of wearing a mask. Above all, when we are suffering, it is a concern to protect others.
It is better to get the vaccine now; by the time the vaccine develops the appropriate protection (around two weeks), it will last for the duration of the flu wave.


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