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Macron, Elizabeth II, Covid… Boris Johnson lets loose in his Memoirs

BoJo is back… Two years after leaving 10 Downing Street, the former British Prime Minister writes down memories and settling scores in his book Unleashed (“unleashed”, in French) with all the delicacy of an elephant in a china shop, as proven by the extracts published in recent days in the English press…

First victim and not the least, the late Queen Elizabeth II who despite herself finds herself featured in the crisp memoirs when Boris Johnson recounts their last official interview at Balmoral Castle, before her death in 2022. “She was pale, more stooped , and she had dark bruises on her hands and wrists, he wrote. Probably because of the infusions and injections. »

Buckingham will appreciate the descriptions, knowing that the former Prime Minister does not hesitate to reveal a state secret concerning her death: “I had known for about a year that she was suffering from a form of bone cancer and her doctors feared that her condition would decline at any moment . » Let us point out that the Palace has always said that the Queen died of “old age”, without going into details, in accordance with the legendary discretion that the Queen has always attached to her health and her private life. But more is needed to calm BoJo’s explosive temper…

Raid on the Netherlands

The proof? When he thought, in the middle of the Covid pandemic, about raiding the Netherlands to collect vaccines against Covid-19, developed at the time by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca. A barely believable story, worthy of a James Bond episode, which he also recounts in his autobiography: thousands of doses suddenly found themselves stuck in a Dutch warehouse under threat of confiscation by Europe… Intolerable for Johnson who imagines sending soldiers in small boats to cross the Channel then navigate the Dutch canals and bring the doses back to London.

According to the secretly refined plan, the soldiers would “go to the target, enter, secure the doses, under cover, before exfiltrating using a truck and heading towards the Channel ports” , writes Boris Johnson in his book. A raid that the deputy chief of the defense staff considered possible with rubber boats, while warning the head of government about an illegal intrusion into an allied country… “Of course, I knew that he had right, recognizes Johnson. But I didn’t want to say out loud that this was all nonsense. »

Latest revelations, those concerning his relations with the President of the French Republic, which he does not seem to hold in his heart. “Although Macron was personally charming, and although we often agreed on important issues, he really meant what he said when he said that the UK should be punished for Brexit,” Johnson writes . He notably recounts how the French president and Chancellor Angela Merkel were sparing and speculating about how long he “was going to last”.

More seriously, he also accuses Emmanuel Macron of having lightly handled the problem of migrants who crossed the Channel under his mandate “to drive the British people crazy”. “On certain subjects, I fear I suspected him of being a real nuisance…” He recounts how he then obtained great revenge by signing the Aukus alliance with the United States and Australia, which led to the collapse of the French deal to supply submarines to Australia. “A real uppercut for the French…” Let it be said: two years after his departure from power, BoJo the bulldozer has lost none of his passion and his anger. A way to remember the British Conservatives in the midst of a crisis…


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