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Didier Raoult banned from practicing medicine for two years, after promoting hydroxychloroquine against Covid

Professor Raoult, whose name has become familiar to the general public in the context of the Covid crisis, was convicted on appeal. At first instance, he only received a reprimand. He is now sentenced to a much heavier sentence: a ban on practicing.

Didier Raoult was harshly sanctioned by the national disciplinary chamber of the order of doctors. On appeal, the professor is banned from practicing medicine for two years, compared to a simple reprimand received at first instance, reports The Parisian this Thursday, October 3.

The director of the university hospital institute was in the institution’s sights for having promoted hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. A campaign he would have led “without established scientific data”.


He is also accused of not having requested the agreement of the authorities to carry out his clinical study around hydroxychloroquine against Covid, carried out on 30,000 patients, indicates Nicolas Berrod, journalist who has widely covered issues linked to Covid during the health crisis.

ud83dudd34 Info @le_Parisien : after receiving a simple reprimand at first instance, Didier Raoult received a much heavier sanction on appeal: a 2-year ban on practicing medicine.

Here is what the decision says u2935ufe0f @le_Parisien


— Nicolas Berrod (@nicolasberrod)

Didier Raoult had criticized and questioned the choices of confinement and vaccination. The Order of Physicians also justifies its decision by sanctioning the non-confraternity of the now retired professor. According to the court, he had held “comments going beyond the scope of freedom of expression”, noted The Parisian.

Even recently, the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de and the Méditerranée Infection Foundation reported to the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) a new publication deemed problematic by the controversial Professor Didier Raoult, indicated on 6 September AFP.


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