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This lyrical artist from releases a critically acclaimed a cappella album


Nicolas Claich

Published on

Oct 2, 2024 at 2:46 p.m.

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The Covid-19 crisis had many dramatic consequences, but it was also, for artists, a time conducive to creativity. It was during this period that was born In a dream: Solovoice 1the recently released album by Anne Warthmannteacher at the Conservatory and orchestra of Caen (), and lyrical artist.

I was looking for a repertoire for my students, that they could sing at home, without accompaniment, during confinement.

Anne Warthmann, lyrical artist

Musical detective work

By delving into the catalog of the House of contemporary musicthe Caen artist has unearthed 19 pieces, never heard before. “I wanted to create these pieces a cappella, to demonstrate what we can do with a voice alone,” explains Anne Warthmann.

With the help of Véronique Beaufils, librarian at the Caen Conservatory, she then set out in search of original scores of these works. “Véronique has done real music detective work,” she applauds. “I thank him enormously, as well as everyone who helped me with this project. »

Their composers – Éric Tanguy, Graciane Finzi, Betsy Jolas… – agreed to work with the soprano, known in the contemporary music world for her collaborations with Thierry Pécou’s Variances ensemble.

Classically trained, Anne Warthmann fell under the mysterious charm of contemporary music inside the walls of the Conservatory, which has held a festival there for over 40 years. “The Aspects des musiques d’avenir festival offers a creative working environment,” enthuses the Caen artist. We can talk to the composers. It’s a bit like meeting Mozart! »

A second opus already in the works

In a dream: Solovoice 1produced by the prestigious Klarthe label, was praised by specialist critics.

This adventure takes on a dimension that was not expected. It’s unexpected and unhoped for.

Anne Warthmann, lyrical artist

To the point that a second opus is already in the works for the Caen artist.

In a dream: Solovoice 1by Anne Warthmann (Klarthe). Available on all platforms.

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