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Coronavirus: contaminations on the rise, here are the symptoms to watch out for

Steven Van Gucht, virologist at Sciensano, analyzes the increase in cases of covid contamination.

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By the editorial staff

Published on 09/30/2024 at 08:22
Reading time: 2 min

LIs Belgium in a new wave of coronavirus? The figures, in any case, are clearly increasing, indicates Sciensano virologist Steven Van Gucht, interviewed by our colleagues from The Latest News.

“The numbers are increasing rapidly. We are already at a higher level than this summer. At that time, it was an unexpected small wave. The fact that there are a lot of cases of covid at the moment is not really surprising in itself. It’s September, the weather is getting worse, people are returning to school and work, and this is usually the time when we first see an increase in respiratory viruses. If we look at the current level, we are halfway between the baseline and the high winter peaks that we experienced last winter,” he explains, while emphasizing that the virus remains unpredictable ( and therefore its evolution too), but that he does not expect an exceptional wave. “The curve should probably stabilize in a few weeks. »

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