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Migennes collector will meet on March 1 and 2, 2025

The Migennes Collector fair for cosplayers, science fiction and comic book fans will celebrate its twentieth anniversary in 2025, on March 1st and 2nd.

An unmissable event for all lovers of science fiction and comics, Migennes collector will return to the railway city on the weekend of March 1 and 2, 2025.

The organizers have made public the date of the 20th edition of this show which traditionally occupies the sports hall. Cosplayers from Migennes, Yonne and the rest of are expected to descend on the city over these two days with their costumes. Their exhibition during the big parade in the streets up to the square in front of the Church of Christ the King will correspond to the high point of this event.

Migennes collector 2024: return in photos

The first edition dates back to 2005

They will also be able to meet and obtain autographs from actors and actresses who have played in films and series of this artistic genre. Many exhibitors are also expected.

The first edition of Migennes collector was held in 2005. Since then, the public, made up of enthusiasts and the simply curious, has never been lacking, with the exception of the year 2021 when the meeting was not held. not take place due to restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

This twentieth anniversary will be all the more special as Migennes collector lost Marc Poyet, its founder and its kingpin in May 2023. Under his governance and with the help of numerous volunteers, the show has grown in scale.

Pierre-Emmanuel Erard


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