DayFR Euro

A new wave hits

Coronavirus circulation shows worrying signs of recovery in in recent weeks. The indicators, whether in the city, in the hospital or in the wastewater, confirm a resurgence of the virus, in the elderlyaccording to data from Public Health France.

A worrying increase in cases

A marked increase is observed in particular among those aged 65 and overwith more than 1,000 hospitalizations for suspected cases of Covid-19 during the week of September 16 to 22, 2024. The number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations related to covid would have increased from 1.7% to 2.9% in one week.

Moreover, wastewater analysismonitored in 12 stations across France, reveal a continued increase in the presence of the virusThis method, which allows the evolution of the pandemic to be monitored, confirms that the circulation of the virus is once again on the rise in the country.

A new vaccination campaign

Faced with this resurgence of cases, a new vaccination campaign against Covid-19, but also against the flu, will start on October 15, 2024. This campaign will mainly be intended for people aged 65 and overas well as to people at risk of developing severe forms of the disease. Although the effectiveness of vaccines against infections decreases over time, they remain very protectors against severe formsinsist the health authorities.

In this context, Public Health France strongly recommends that ‘apply barrier gestures’. Wearing a mask is recommended in case of symptoms, in crowded places or in the presence of vulnerable people. Regular hand washing also remains an essential precaution to limit the spread of the virus.


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